About the project


The work of the operational group is based on the results of experiments that have been carried out in the Regional Unit of Corinth by the team of the Agricultural Pharmacology Laboratory of the Agricultural University of Athens in collaboration with the Pegasus Agrifood Coop and is implemented in two axes:

• The first axis concerns the application of selected biostimulants in agricultural plots of vineyards of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Crimson Seedless table variety. Their effect on the growth of stumps, such as the growth rate of new vegetation, the increase in biomass and the increase in the size of the rails, is studied. Also, the condition of the plants is evaluated using an infrared camera, applying phenomenology, which is an innovative method for evaluating interventions with bioactive agents in plants. Biostimulants are applied according to instructions at different stages of stump development.

• The second axis includes the metabolomic analysis of leaves after the interventions with the biodegers using a GC/EI/MS analyzer. The results will contribute to the understanding of the effect of biostimulants on the physiological condition of the stumps, contributing to the selection of the optimal combinations of dosage-time of application. Metabolomics is the latest development in agricultural sciences, but it has not been sufficiently utilized in the Greek agri-food sector. The results of the research will be an important resource in the effort of Pegasus Agrifood Coop to increase production and improve the quality of the product produced.

Originality and innovation of the project

The business plan of O.G. “BIO-CRIMSON” is the first attempt to evaluate and optimize the use of biostimulants in viticulture by applying advanced bioanalytical methods, such as metabolomics and phenomenology, both nationally and internationally. The effect of biostimulants on the levels of stump metabolites that are directly related to the production and quality of the products produced in the vineyards of Pegasus Agrifood Coop is evaluated. The study of the metabolic composition of the stumps to discover the optimal time of intervention and dosage with the selected biodegers in given soil and climate conditions, is an innovation and a new approach to plant protection with the aim of strengthening the sustainability of production and reducing inputs. To date, there is no corresponding research effort in international literature to understand the effect of biostimulants on the Crimson variety with a combination of innovative metabolomics and phenomenology methods.

Role in the project


GAIA EPICHEIREIN has undertaken the coordination of the members of the Operational Group for the implementation of the pilot project as well as the actions for the management and completion of the project. GAIA EPICHEIREIN by choosing the appropriate communication channels, will cover all categories of promotional activities. By systematically disseminating the results through the press, with a targeted digital campaign the results will be disseminated through the internet. Through a networking day with OGs from all over Greece, the national diffusion of results and the gap between the agricultural and scientific worlds will be covered to transfer innovation to businesses.


The Laboratory of Horticultural Crops of the A.U.A. coordinates the scientific part of the project and specifically, coordinates together with the agriculturalists of Pegasus Agrifood Coop, coordinates the applications of the selected biostimulators in the vineyards and the sampling of the plant tissues. In addition, the Laboratory of Agricultural Pharmacology is responsible for the implementation of the phenomenological and metabolomic analysis protocols and the evaluation and interpretation of the results. Finally, it undertakes the promotion of the results of the project through participation in conferences and through participation in workshops and networking activities.


In the vineyards of the producers – members of Pegasus Agrifood Coop the pilot application of the project will be carried out using the selected biostimulators. The cooperative undertakes the sampling of leaves and grapes and will take care of the complete recording of the cultivation measures and plant protection measures that it will apply in the context of the implementation of the pilot project. Finally, the Cooperative promotes innovative ideas through the organization of a local conference and its participation in networking actions.

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